I was in need of a cheap USB->DMX interface and decided to build my own. Searching the web I fould quite a lot DIY solutions. But most of them were unsuitable for me.
My design features:
- low cost (about 10€)
- open source: schematic and board are licensed CC-BY-NC-SA, the firmware is GPL (except microchip files)
- a real rs485 transceiver
- signal-generation by the Microcontroller (no bit-banging like the ftdi-dmx interfaces)
- bootloader to update the firmware (thats what the switch is for – rescue mode)
- fits into a ‘G027’ case (kemo-electronic)
If you take a look at the schematic you will see that the processor used is a 18F2550. But its possible and recommended to use the 18F24K50 which is cheaper and doesnt require a crystal oszillator. This is due to the fact that i made the initial design with the older controller (which i had at hand during the time).
On the software side there is a patch for ola. You will notice that reworked the ‘opendmx’ driver (i failed adding a new driver/directory to the build system).
There is no need to patch ola anymore. The karate-plugin is now in the mainline-tree.
Please respect the CC-BY-NC-SA licence when downloading and using it 🙂
I’m wondering which programmer and PIC software you use to program this 18F24K50. I have the chip but can’t seem to find a software that supports this chip using ICSP
i am using MPLABX with the Microchip ICD3. I didnt test my other Programmers, but i guess the PicKit will also work.
Hello what would be the file for the 18f2550?
you can use the same file. its compatible
Good evening , I could not compile Project 18F2550 You Do not Have To Burn hex ​​with PICkit 2 .
thanks for reply .